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Do you know a cancer survivor?

Do you want to help more survive?

Kiss some one, take a picture of the kiss, donate to #KissingOffCancer, then challenge others to do the same – #KissOffCancer  – We make it easy, click here to donate

Please join us and celebrate all the survivors by supporting the ‪#‎kissingoffcancer challenge. Will you take the challenge? Will you be one who helps Kiss Off Cancer? Get out there and start kissing, challenging and donating. Support survivors and cancer patients today. Watch this great video and help us support everyone with this deadly disease.

Don’t forget to send your (pg 13) pix and videos…the kids are watching…and don’t forget to share this with everyone you know.

#kissingoffcancer, #kiss, #cancer, #ACF, #AmericanCancerFund

Click here to donate!

Are you Ready to Make a Meaningful Impact in the Fight Against Cancer? 

Support our #knowcancer initiative today.