Our Mission

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We Inform, You Decide!

The American Cancer Fund(ACF)/American Cancer Association(ACA) is a 60+ year-old organization dedicated to the education, support, and empowerment of those diagnosed with Cancer by organizing and clarifying information. We elevate the level of understanding of Cancer.

ACF provides free, clear, independent information and research to enable patients and their families to make smarter choices for Cancer treatment, emphasizing dignity, functionality and cure.


We Are NOT Associated
in ANY WAY with the disgraced, fraudulent charity known as "Cancer Fund of America".

Cancer education is among the most important facets of surviving cancer. An individual who has been given a diagnosis of cancer and provided with information such as stage and possible treatment options desperately needs additional facts in order to make an educated, empowered decision.

Among some of the questions that must be answers are:

  • What does it mean to be at stage….?
  • Is there more than one treatment option?
  • Do I need a second opinion?

Though the patient’s physician may make every effort to offer answers to these questions, more often than not the patient is not able to hear the physician’s information. Shock, disbelief, grief, and anger among other emotions take the place of rational thought when confronted with this diagnosis. Further, individuals have different learning styles an needs. Some learn by listening, others by reading, while others learn by talking things out. Some individuals can handle medical terms and concepts, while others must be provided the information in very basic language.

Regardless of how an individual receives and processes the information provided, the critical aspect is that the information be easily accessible, be offered repeatedly, and at the level at which the patient can grasp it. Cancer, much like any other serious medical condition, does not afford the patient the luxury of misinformation. We seek to eliminate misinformation by doing the research for the patient; seeks to decrease the precious time wasted in research and data collection by providing a clear understandable source of information; seeks to offer comfort and support by ensuring that the information provided is useful and offered in a caring respectful manner.

Feel prepared for every appointment

Carrying the right information can empower you during your cancer care journey. Use these tools to help organize this information so you can be an active participant in your cancer care.

Keep them handy for use at home and bring them along to your doctor visits and other medical appointments.

#KnowCancer Tip

Update your information and checklist after each appointment to keep track of your progress and prepare for your next visit. Being organized is a key step in navigating your cancer care with confidence.

Essentials Checklist

  • Important Contacts: Include your healthcare team's phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Health and Treatment History: A brief summary of your diagnosis, treatment plans, and any past procedures or surgeries.
  • Copies of Reports: Bring recent blood tests, pathology reports, and any other relevant medical records.
  • Calendar: Your schedule of upcoming appointments, treatments, and tests.
  • Progress Notes: Observations about your symptoms, side effects, and any changes in your condition.
  • Questions: A list of questions or concerns you have for your healthcare provider. Don't hesitate to ask anything that's on your mind.
  • Insurance Information: Your insurance card and any necessary authorization forms or documents.

Join The Fight Against Cancer

Your donation fuels breakthrough research and supports those affected by cancer. Together, we can make a lasting impact.