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how to help
Please consider naming American Cancer Fund® in your will, as a bequest to charity, and using our federal ID number as well. Our federal EIN is: 20-3232112.

After taking care of your family and loved ones, you can make a difference to the lives of thousands of others by leaving a bequest.  Your bequest to ACF, whether large or modest, is a lasting and meaningful gift to future generations. A bequest is a legacy gift that will insure your donation goes exactly where you want it to go, after you pass away. For additional information or help with a bequest, please contact our financial officer or Executive Director via the contact us form.

You may also reach us via phone at (908)431-9800

or via US Mail:

American Cancer Fund
PO Box 7262
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-7262

Join The Fight Against Cancer

Your donation fuels breakthrough research and supports those affected by cancer. Together, we can make a lasting impact.