Kissing Off Cancer™

2024 Title & Breadcrumbs Banner


Are you up to it? We never met a cancer we liked. Lets kiss off cancer© now.

Let’s heat things up with the Kissing off Cancer™ Challenge by supporting us to defeat cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment options and research with the AMERICAN CANCER FUND®

Here’s the deal – It’s the same basic concept as the ice bucket challenge with kisses not ice. How sweet and warm!

First, take a picture of your kiss and post it to facebook then donate to the American Cancer Fund – Kissing Off Cancer Challenge by clicking here.

Challenge someone or everyone you know to start kissing off cancer with a kiss. Everyone can do this; no equipment or ice required. Feel good knowing that 89 cents of every dollar collected by this campaign will be used to fight cancer in every way possible. Join us now. Let’s Kiss off Cancer© for Good.

Kiss your mom, kiss your cat or dog, kiss your whatever (keep it clean) and take a picture, a selfie or a video and send it to us with your donation. If you can’t find someone or something to kiss – make a donation anyway to the American Cancer Fund.

Let’s see how much we can raise today to fight cancer and give more people hope in the battle.

#kissingoffcancer #ACF #kissoff #kissoffcancer #kiss

Get out there and start Kissing.

Post your awesome pictures on face book at  now.





Join The Fight Against Cancer

Your donation fuels breakthrough research and supports those affected by cancer. Together, we can make a lasting impact.