Here at the American Cancer Fund we know the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and want to empower you build a healthy lifestyle for yourself.    We have all heard the importance of a well-balanced and healthy diet is critical to feeling your best.

A healthy diet featuring plant based foods could be a key ingredient to preventing cancer, according to the latest research. If two-thirds of your diet is plant based that should give you some protection, as long as you avoid foods high in saturated fat, according to an article in WebMD.

Foods that contain substances that show promise as cancer fighting agents include,

  1. Folate-Rich Foods

Research shows that those with low levels of folate, a B-complex vitamin, are more likely to have DNA mutations which could lead to cancer. This B-complex vitamin can be found in many foods, including cereals, pastas and breads that are fortified with folate. Foods naturally high in folate include oranges, spinach, romaine lettuce, dried beans, peas, peanuts, asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

  1. Foods with Vitamin D

Research suggests that vitamin D curbs the growth of cancerous cells. Studies have shown a decreased risk of breast cancer and improved survival rates of those with lung cancer if there is increased consumption of vitamin D. Vitamin D can be found in milk, eggs, cod, shrimp and Chinook salmon. Exposure to sunshine can also supply you with vitamin D.

  1. Tea

Tea has flavonoids, which are known for their antioxidant effects. A large scale study showed drinking the equivalent of four cups of tea day offers protection against ovarian cancer. Another study showed a link between consuming flavonoids and a reduction in the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal (but not premenopausal) women.

Other foods that show promise as cancer fighters include cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, kale and broccoli), curcumin (which is found in turmeric) and ginger.

Now, it is so important to take the introduction of these foods slowly as you build up a diet plan for yourself.  A drastic, overnight change in your diet probably isn’t sustainable, so a gradual switch to more healthy foods, and less junk food, is worth a try.

If you want to learn more about how healthier living and a better diet can reduce your cancer risk, contact us at (908) 431-9800.


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