
ACF 2014 Photo Contest

”Fight Cancer Through Art©”

If cancer has impacted your life or the life of someone you know, we want to offer you a creative way to express your emotions through pictures.

Your entry will not only represent what’s in your own heart, but will be a reflection of how Cancer has impacted your life for the public to appreciate. Our nationwide photo contest presents a unique opportunity for you to bring your personal feelings and artistic creations to life!

We will select 10 of our favorite entries and we will display them on our Facebook page as well as our website. We will also send the winning pictures to various institutions for display. Each winner will also receive a American Cancer Fund iCare SPF 30 sunscreen and American Cancer Fund “KNOW Cancer: NO Cancer” multicolored wristband. Our first prize winner will also receive an MP3 player. Good Luck! We look forward to seeing your work!

Rules & Regulations:

All works submitted must be original photo created exclusively by the entrant.

  • You can choose to identify your entry with your name, or remain anonymous using just a title to identify your piece.
  • An optional 200-word description may also accompany your submission to clarify the meaning behind your work.
  • The works submitted should not have been shown previously or in any other art contest for public viewing and display.
  • All entries must be received by February 28th by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
  • Contestants agree by entering the contest, and understand that contest participation includes the transfer of all rights of the photo work to ACF. This includes, but is not limited to, all copyrights and compensation that may result from the development/fundraising activities which further the organization’s mission and reach. All photos become property of ACF.
  • Personal data will be kept confidential from the general public unless a media release form is signed by the participant and ACF with both parties jointly agreeing to disclose this information.
  • The initial submission of the artwork must be sent in JPEG or PNG format.

Submit your entries to:

*To prevent inappropriate entries, we ask for a minimum of $3 non-refundable, entry fee/donation with each submission. You can pay by clicking here and writing photo contest in the comment section or by mailing a check to: American Cancer Fund, P.O. Box 7262, Hillsborough, NJ 08844-7262. Make sure you indicate that the donation is for the contest and use the same email address as your entry.  Thank you!*

Again the contest runs from Feb 1, 2014 to Feb 28, 2014.


Are you Ready to Make a Meaningful Impact in the Fight Against Cancer? 

Support our #knowcancer initiative today.